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FactCheck.org Wins Fourth Sigma Delta Chi Award

FactCheck.org has won the 2023 Sigma Delta Chi award for fact-checking from the Society of Professional Journalists. This is our third win in the fact-checking category and our fourth award from SPJ overall.

This year’s awards were announced on July 9. Our winning entry was Deputy Managing Editor Robert Farley’s work fact-checking claims about the House investigation and impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

The inquiry concerns Republican claims that Biden benefited from or assisted with his son Hunter’s business dealings with entities in other countries while Biden was vice president. In three articles in 2023, Rob found that, so far, Republicans haven’t been able to establish that Biden was involved in these business dealings, that he directly benefited from them or that he used his position as vice president to assist his family’s companies.

Previously, FactCheck.org won the 2019 and 2020 Sigma Delta Chi fact-checking awards for our in-depth stories about claims made by then-President Donald Trump. We also won a 2010 SDX non-deadline reporting award for independent news sites for our work on deceptive claims made about federal health care legislation.

The Society of Professional Journalists, originally founded as Sigma Delta Chi, has been honoring outstanding journalism since 1932.

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