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FactChecking the Virginia Governor’s Race

FactCheck.org Managing Editor Lori Robertson discusses the (mostly accurate) TV ads in the race for governor of Virginia on Fox 5 News in Washington, D.C.

For more, see our archive files for candidates Terry McAuliffe and Ken Cuccinelli.

Miscasting McAuliffe’s Abortion Stance

Miscasting McAuliffe’s Abortion Stance

An ad from a conservative super PAC claims without evidence that “Terry McAuliffe supports abortion on demand at any time for any reason — paid for by Virginia taxpayers.”

Warren Buffett on Obamacare

Warren Buffett on Obamacare

A week ago, billionaire investor Warren Buffett denied he wants to “scrap” Obamacare, calling such reports “totally false.” But that has done little to stop some Republicans from spreading the rumor.

Cabela’s Medical Tax Mistake

Cabela’s Medical Tax Mistake

Q: Does the health care law contain a “hidden” tax on hunting and fishing equipment?
A: No. There is a 2.3 percent excise tax on certain medical devices. Cabela’s, a Nebraska sporting goods company, applied the tax to some of its customers’ purchases by mistake.

Obamacare Myths

Obamacare Myths

We’ve been batting down bogus claims about the Affordable Care Act for years, since 2009, when legislation was still in the debate stage. But they’ve been increasing in intensity in recent months as we approach Oct. 1, the date the insurance exchanges will be open for business.

Twisting Cuccinelli’s Tax Plan

Twisting Cuccinelli’s Tax Plan

Democrat Terry McAuliffe uses the reluctance of his Republican opponent, Ken Cuccinelli, to name the tax exemptions and loopholes he would eliminate to offset his proposed tax cuts as the basis for misleading, doomsday claims about Cuccinelli’s tax plan.