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Ryan’s Budget Spin

Rep. Paul Ryan spreads some false and misleading information in a series of “Setting The Record Straight” web posts, in which he criticizes the president’s proposed budget and promotes …

Trump 100 Percent Wrong on Egyptian ‘Vote’

Donald Trump falsely claimed that 99 percent of Egyptians voted to end the peace treaty with Israel. There was no such vote, although a recent poll found that 54 percent do support ending the treaty.

Obama and the ‘Pigford’ Cases

Q: Did then-Sen. Barack Obama get a law "passed in dead silence" that allowed black farmers to file "unlawful" discrimination claims against the USDA totaling $1.25 billion?
A: No. Obama supported the 2008 bill, but did not sponsor it or vote on it. It was not "passed in dead silence"; there were six floor votes. All claims are pending judicial review and approval.

Rev. Graham and the Signs of Armageddon

On ABC’s “This Week,” the Rev. Franklin Graham was wrong when he said that earthquakes, wars and famines are occurring “with more frequency and more intensity.”
The preacher, who is the son of the Rev. Billy Graham and president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, discussed the prophecy of Armageddon with host Christiane Amanpour during a special Easter edition of the Sunday talk show.
Graham, April 24: I believe we are in the latter days of this age.

Vote for FactCheck.org in 2011 Webby Awards

It’s that time of year when we ask for your support. Yes, it’s time for the annual Webby Awards.
Thanks to you, FactCheck.org has won the Webby People’s Voice award for four years running. It’s a recognition of the fact that you share our mission of holding politicians accountable.
Now, we’d like to repeat — five-peat? — with your help. The voting has begun. First, you must register to vote. If you are registered, then go to the Websites category,

Biggest Budget Cut in U.S. History?

Democrats and Republicans alike are making grandiose — and unsupportable — claims that the budget deal contains the biggest spending cut in U.S. history.
Under the bipartisan agreement, the proposed budget for this fiscal year would be $38.5 billion less than last year’s budget. The federal government spent nearly $3.5 trillion in 2010, so the cut is a little more than 1 percent of total spending.

President Barack Obama called it "the biggest annual spending cut in history."