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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

No ‘Crisis Actors’ in Parkland, Florida

No ‘Crisis Actors’ in Parkland, Florida

Q: Are the students who survived the Florida school shooting really “crisis actors”?

A: No. Conspiracy theories have been spreading online to undercut students advocating stricter gun control.

Made-up Michelle Obama Quote

Made-up Michelle Obama Quote

Q: Did Michelle Obama say that the school shooting in Florida was President Donald Trump’s fault?

A: No. That claim is circulating on dubious websites. The former first lady hasn’t said anything like that publicly.

Horner Hoax Remix

Horner Hoax Remix

Q: Was a teen sentenced to 30 years in prison for killing a refugee who raped his sister?

A: No. That is a made-up headline on an old internet hoax story.

No Black Lives Matter Embezzlement Scandal

No Black Lives Matter Embezzlement Scandal

Q: Was a Black Lives Matter activist sued after stealing millions of dollars in donations?

A: No. That scandal was made up by a website that calls itself satirical.

Parton Me? Dolly Didn’t Praise Trump

Parton Me? Dolly Didn’t Praise Trump

Q: Did Dolly Parton say, “Trump in one year is already better than 16 years of Bush, Obama put together?”

A: No. A public relations consultant said that on a Breitbart radio show.

Teaching About Islam Hasn’t Been Banned

Teaching About Islam Hasn’t Been Banned

Q: Did the U.S. Supreme Court bar public schools from teaching about Islam?

A: No. That rumor originates from a website that describes itself as satirical.