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Republican Convention Night 2

Republican Convention Night 2

The fact-checking fodder included claims about the economy, the Democratic nominee and the president’s actions. 

Republican Convention Opening Night

Republican Convention Opening Night

On Day 1, Republicans made numerous false and misleading claims on tax cuts, the economy, immigration and COVID-19, among other topics.

Trump’s Talking Points

Trump’s Talking Points

A compendium of the president’s falsehoods and factual distortions that may be repeated during the convention.

Biden’s False Claim About McDonald’s

Biden’s False Claim About McDonald’s

In speaking to union workers, Joe Biden falsely said that McDonald’s required its employees to sign noncompete contracts preventing them from going to work for other fast-food restaurants such as Burger King.

FactChecking Trump’s ‘Fox News Sunday’ Interview

FactChecking Trump’s ‘Fox News Sunday’ Interview

President Donald Trump’s extraordinary interview with “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace, who frequently fact-checked the president in real time, contained a long list of false, misleading and unsubstantiated claims.

Trump Touts Strong Jobs Report, Flubs Some Facts

Trump Touts Strong Jobs Report, Flubs Some Facts

In a Rose Garden address to comment on a surprisingly strong May jobs report, President Donald Trump continued to repeat false, misleading and exaggerated claims about the economy, the administration’s response to COVID-19, the border wall, veterans programs and trade with China.

An April Filled with Repeats

An April Filled with Repeats

The president has used the coronavirus briefings to repeatedly misstate the facts about his administration’s handling of the pandemic, the economy and trade with China.

Prank Posts Mislead on Direct Government Payments for Coronavirus

Prank Posts Mislead on Direct Government Payments for Coronavirus

The Trump administration has proposed providing direct payments to some U.S. citizens, beginning April 6, to blunt the economic impact of the coronavirus. But a prank post circulating on Facebook falsely states that the government is sending out checks every week and claim forms are already available.