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Trump Clings to Inaccurate Climate Change Talking Points

Trump Clings to Inaccurate Climate Change Talking Points

Former President Donald Trump, who has famously called climate change a “hoax” for many years, hasn’t used the word lately with respect to climate change. But he still clings to some similar arguments, and other claims he makes about climate change haven’t changed much over the years.

Ramaswamy’s Climate Change Spin

Ramaswamy’s Climate Change Spin

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, a self-professed “unapologetic proponent of greater use of fossil fuels,” has repeatedly cited false or misleading statistics to downplay the risks of climate change.

Warming Beyond 1.5 C Harmful, But Not a Point of No Return, as Biden Claims 

Warming Beyond 1.5 C Harmful, But Not a Point of No Return, as Biden Claims 

It’s increasingly likely that the planet will reach 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, of warming, probably within the next two decades. But while that level of warming comes with a variety of dangerous effects, it’s not a point of no return, scientists say, and it doesn’t mean “we’re done,” as President Joe Biden has claimed. 

How Does the Inflation Reduction Act Address Climate Change?

How Does the Inflation Reduction Act Address Climate Change?

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the Senate plans to hold its first vote Aug. 6 on the Inflation Reduction Act. An estimated $369 billion over the next 10 years would go toward combating climate change and investing in “energy security.” Here we review some of the climate-focused provisions in the bill.

Biden’s Earth Day Exaggerations

Biden’s Earth Day Exaggerations

On Earth Day, President Joe Biden touted his administration’s environmental initiatives, but his rhetoric made efforts to reduce methane emissions and drinking water contamination sound more expansive than they actually are.

Trump Mocks Global Warming, Lowballs Sea Level Rise

Trump Mocks Global Warming, Lowballs Sea Level Rise

President Donald Trump mocked concerns about global warming, saying that oceans would rise just “[o]ne-eighth of an inch within the next 250 years.” Although he may have been joking, his figure is many times lower than scientific estimates.

Buttigieg Wrong About Climate Change’s Effect on Oceans

Buttigieg Wrong About Climate Change’s Effect on Oceans

In making his case for taking swift action on climate change, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg inaccurately said that “we could lose half the world’s oxygen because of what’s going on in the oceans.” Scientists say that’s a misreading of the evidence.

Trump Bungles Climate Change in UK

Trump Bungles Climate Change in UK

During a trip to the United Kingdom, President Donald Trump once again expressed skepticism about climate change, making several false or misleading statements in a television interview on “Good Morning Britain” with host Piers Morgan.

Steve King’s Climate Change Rainfall Claims

Steve King’s Climate Change Rainfall Claims

In a recent town hall, Iowa Rep. Steve King focused on the positives of climate change, inaccurately stating that increased evaporation under higher temperatures will lead to rain in “more and more places” — a result that’s “surely gotta shrink the deserts and expand the green growth.”