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Editing in Cruz Video Distorts Biden’s Position on Guns

Editing in Cruz Video Distorts Biden’s Position on Guns

President Joe Biden opposes the sale of assault weapons, and he supports a mandatory federal registry and a voluntary buyback program for all legally purchased assault weapons. But a video shared on Twitter by Sen. Ted Cruz leaves the false impression Biden wants to confiscate all guns.

Biden’s Missteps on Gun Policies

Biden’s Missteps on Gun Policies

In outlining steps his administration would take on gun regulations, President Joe Biden misstated the facts on three existing policies.

Deceptive Trump Ad Attacks Biden on Guns

Deceptive Trump Ad Attacks Biden on Guns

A Trump campaign ad uses an out-of-context video clip to claim Joe Biden confirmed he will come for the guns of Americans if he’s elected president. In the unedited video, Biden was talking about his opposition to so-called “assault weapons” — not all firearms.

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Claims

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Claims

On Sept. 26 and 27, President Donald Trump spoke for about two hours and 15 minutes in five appearances. We’ve compiled many of the president’s false and misleading claims from those remarks.