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Social Media Skews NYC Anti-Discrimination Law

Social Media Skews NYC Anti-Discrimination Law

Memes and videos misrepresent a New York City law by suggesting that everyone in the city will be “banned” from using the term “illegal alien,” or face a $250,000 fine. Actually, the city has only clarified that immigration status can’t be used to discriminate against people in certain situations under a decades old law.

Photos Don’t Tell the Whole Story on Border Trash

Photos Don’t Tell the Whole Story on Border Trash

Old pictures of trash strewn in the Arizona desert are circulating on Facebook with the suggestion that they were taken recently and that the media failed to cover it. Neither of those things is true.

Biden Takes Trump Quote Out of Context

Biden Takes Trump Quote Out of Context

In a speech that assailed President Donald Trump for a lack of “moral leadership,” Joe Biden falsely claimed that Trump “asserted that immigrants would, quote, ‘carve you up with a knife.’” Trump said that about MS-13 gang members, not immigrants.

President Trump’s Rhetoric

President Trump’s Rhetoric

Prior to departing for El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, on Aug. 7, President Donald Trump rejected the premise that his rhetoric has divided the country, as his critics have claimed. He said “my rhetoric … brings people together.” But that is not how he is perceived by most Americans.

False Caption on Refugee Picture

False Caption on Refugee Picture

A photo circulating on social media claims to show “Europeans trying to get to North Africa during World War II,” but it actually shows Albanian refugees arriving in Italy in 1991.

Trump’s and Miller’s Attacks on ‘The Squad’

Trump’s and Miller’s Attacks on ‘The Squad’

President Donald Trump and his top immigration adviser continue to criticize four progressive Democratic congresswomen known as “the squad,” but some of their claims twist the women’s words.

O’Rourke Twists Facts at Town Hall

O’Rourke Twists Facts at Town Hall

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke twisted the facts on several topics, including immigration and gun control, during a CNN town hall.

Meme Distorts Gillibrand’s Immigration Idea

Meme Distorts Gillibrand’s Immigration Idea

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has not proposed giving Social Security benefits to “illegal aliens,” as a popular meme claims. She wants to overhaul the immigration system to give individuals in the U.S. illegally a way to become citizens and collect benefits after paying into Social Security.

Bogus Claim About Border Rape Revived

Bogus Claim About Border Rape Revived

An unsubstantiated claim from last fall about sexual violence at the southern border has been repackaged in a Facebook meme. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has no record of the alleged incident, and the website that first reported it has retracted the story.

Measles Misinformation Gets an Immigration Twist

Measles Misinformation Gets an Immigration Twist

A Facebook meme incorrectly blames the measles outbreak in the U.S. on immigrants from South America. The virus, however, was eliminated there in 2016. The recent uptick in measles cases is due to travelers returning from countries with outbreaks.