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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Republican Convention Opening Night

Republican Convention Opening Night

On Day 1, Republicans made numerous false and misleading claims on tax cuts, the economy, immigration and COVID-19, among other topics.

The Whoppers of 2019

The Whoppers of 2019

Our compilation of the most egregious falsehoods of the year.

Trump’s ISIS Claim Goes to the Dogs

Trump’s ISIS Claim Goes to the Dogs

During a White House event honoring a now-famous military dog, President Donald Trump repeated a false talking point on how much Islamic State-held land had been recaptured under his presidency.

Meme Falsely Claims Obama Released al-Baghdadi

Meme Falsely Claims Obama Released al-Baghdadi

Various memes circulating online falsely claim that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State leader who recently died after a U.S. raid, had been released from U.S. military custody under President Barack Obama. He was actually released in 2004, under President George W. Bush.

Not ‘Twitter Intel’

Not ‘Twitter Intel’

National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien dismissed as “Twitter intel” the suggestion that more than 100 captured Islamic State fighters escaped from prisons in Syria amid fighting between Turkish soldiers and Syrian Kurds. But that was a figure provided by the secretary of defense and a top official in the State Department.