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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Biden’s Job Growth Chart Ignores Impact of Pandemic

Biden’s Job Growth Chart Ignores Impact of Pandemic

Since President Joe Biden took office, the economy has added nearly 14.8 million jobs, 5.4 million more than the pre-pandemic peak in early 2020. All told, it’s an average monthly job growth of more than 400,000. But Biden misleadingly contrasts that with a loss of jobs under former President Donald Trump — a loss that occurred because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

FactChecking Biden’s Reelection Remarks

FactChecking Biden’s Reelection Remarks

President Joe Biden announced on April 25 that he would run for reelection in the 2024 campaign. In his video announcement and a speech later that day to a union group, Biden repeated several claims we’ve fact-checked before.

Video: Hearst on the State of the Union

Video: Hearst on the State of the Union

Hearst Television — one of our media partners — produced this fact-checking video segment featuring our article on President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.

Biden’s Claims About an Increase in Exports Ignore Larger Growth in Imports

Biden’s Claims About an Increase in Exports Ignore Larger Growth in Imports

Under President Joe Biden, U.S. exports of goods and services have increased, but U.S. imports have grown even faster. However, on multiple occasions, Biden has given the false impression that rising exports means declining imports and fewer U.S. jobs being outsourced to foreign countries.