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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s ‘Made in the USA’ Spin

Trump’s ‘Made in the USA’ Spin

When asked why he doesn’t lead by example and have more of his products from the Donald J. Trump Collection made in the U.S., Trump wrongly responded, “They don’t even make this stuff here.” They do.

Trump’s Bogus Boast on Ford

Trump’s Bogus Boast on Ford

Donald Trump took multiple bows for getting Ford to change its plans to build new manufacturing facilities in Mexico. The problem: Ford says it hasn’t changed its plans at all.

Biden Pads Economic Stats

Biden Pads Economic Stats

In a speech in Miami, Vice President Joe Biden puffed up two statistics related to bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. from overseas.

FlackCheck Video: Trump Announcement

FlackCheck Video: Trump Announcement

This “Campaign Watch” video from FlackCheck.org covers several false and misleading statements Donald Trump made during his presidential announcement speech.

Trump Tramples Facts

Trump Tramples Facts

Real estate developer Donald Trump’s speech announcing he is running for the Republican nomination for president contained a number of false and misleading statements.

FactChecking Jeb Bush

FactChecking Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush, the brother of one president and son of another, plans to join the 2016 presidential campaign today. It is the first time he has run for national office, so our file on him isn’t as robust as those for some other candidates.

The State of the Union

WCBS radio’s Wayne Cabot interviews FactCheck.org Deputy Managing Editor Rob Farley about President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address.

Settling the Dust in Arkansas

Settling the Dust in Arkansas

Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor tries to make political hay out of agricultural dust by distorting the facts in a new TV ad, while Republicans manufacture a bogus jobs claim against the Democratic senator.

Jeb Bush’s Jobs Claim

Jeb Bush’s Jobs Claim

In touting conservative policies in Republican-controlled states, Jeb Bush claimed, “The Southeast is leading a renaissance in American manufacturing.” Not so. The Midwest has experienced a 9 percent increase in manufacturing jobs since the sector began its recovery in February 2010.

FactChecking Obama’s SOTU

FactChecking Obama’s SOTU

President Obama put a rosy spin on several accomplishments of his administration in his 2013 State of the Union address. The president claimed that “both parties have worked together to reduce the deficit by more than $2.5 trillion.” But that’s only an estimate of deficit reduction through fiscal year 2022, and it would be lower …