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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Exaggerated Claims of ‘Corporate Welfare’

Exaggerated Claims of ‘Corporate Welfare’

Rep. Justin Amash and Club for Growth Action make false and distorted claims in TV ads that attack Amash’s Republican primary opponent, Brian Ellis, for wasting taxpayer money on “corporate welfare.”

Peters’ ‘War’ on Michigan Jobs?

Peters’ ‘War’ on Michigan Jobs?

A Web ad from Republican Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land claims Rep. Gary Peters backed “carbon taxes” that would have “killed up to 96,000 Michigan jobs.” But Peters didn’t support a carbon tax, which has never advanced to a vote in Congress.

AFP Misuses Survey, Again

AFP Misuses Survey, Again

Americans for Prosperity is again citing an unscientific survey on health premiums to attack Democratic supporters of Obamacare – this time claiming in a new TV ad that premiums are up “by nearly 40 percent” in Michigan.

Misleading Anti-Obamacare Ad in Michigan

Misleading Anti-Obamacare Ad in Michigan

Americans for Prosperity’s latest anecdotal TV ad attacking the Affordable Care Act features a Michigan mom who says her family’s “new plan is not affordable at all” and that the law is “destroying the middle class.”

Misleading Abortion Attack in Michigan

Misleading Abortion Attack in Michigan

A TV ad in a Michigan primary says Republican Rep. Justin Amash “voted to allow gender-selection abortions.” But the ad ignores Amash’s anti-abortion position and his reasons for voting against this particular bill.

NextGen Climate Action

A liberal super PAC founded by San Francisco billionaire and climate-change activist Tom Steyer that focuses on environmental issues.

State Amendment Scare Tactics

State Amendment Scare Tactics

In a TV ad to Michigan voters, a group goes too far when it claims a proposed state constitutional amendment to protect union rights “would eliminate safety rules for school bus drivers.”
The ad also fails to tell the whole story when it claims the amendment “could prohibit schools from removing employees with criminal records.”
The 3-page ballot measure contains a provision stating that no existing or future state law “shall abridge, impair or limit” a public employee union’s rights to negotiate wages,

Hit the Brakes


A new Obama ad targeted to Michigan voters says McCain “refused to support loan guarantees for the auto industry.”
That was true, but it’s not now – and it wasn’t when this ad was made. Yet the ad doesn’t mention McCain’s changed position on government support for the carmakers.

The Obama campaign ad, “Revitalize,” is running in Michigan, where the auto industry is on the ropes.

Obama for America Ad: “Revitalize”