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Trump Twists Facts on WikiLeaks

Trump Twists Facts on WikiLeaks

Donald Trump cited apparent excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s past closed-door speeches, contained in emails leaked by WikiLeaks, but he twisted those excerpts in some cases.

Video: Town Hall Debate Fact-checks

Video: Town Hall Debate Fact-checks

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper goes over seven claims from our analysis of the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Video: The Second Debate

Video: The Second Debate

In this video, we highlight six claims from the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Oct. 9 in St. Louis.

Trump Muddies Immigrant Voting Issue

Trump Muddies Immigrant Voting Issue

Donald Trump mangled the facts when he claimed that the Obama administration is “letting people pour into the country so they can go and vote.”

Video: FactChecking Clinton Stump Speech

Video: FactChecking Clinton Stump Speech

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper, working with FactCheck.org, highlights four claims Hillary Clinton made in a speech in Hampton, Illinois, on Sept. 5.

Fired Over VA Wait Times

Fired Over VA Wait Times

Speaking at a CNN town hall about the military, President Barack Obama suggested that his administration “fired a whole bunch of people who were in charge of some of these facilities” involved in the wait-times scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs. That’s not the case.

Video: FactChecking the Veep Debate

Video: FactChecking the Veep Debate

FlackCheck.org, our sister website for political literacy, looks at a sampling of the claims that we flagged during the only vice presidential debate of the general election.

FactChecking the VP Debate

FactChecking the VP Debate

The vice presidential candidates got their one chance to debate, and it was a fact-checking bonanza.