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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Corbett’s Desperation and Deceit

Corbett’s Desperation and Deceit

We’ve noticed that the most deceitful attack ads often come from candidates who are most desperate. For example, consider the claim by Pennsylvania’s unpopular Republican Gov. Tom Corbett that his opponent “is promising to raise middle-class taxes.”

Pennsylvania Pension Piffle

Pennsylvania Pension Piffle

An ad in the Pennsylvania governor’s race takes some cheap, misleading shots at Democratic frontrunner Tom Wolf’s record on pensions. And these come from a fellow Democrat, Rob McCord.

Tom Corbett’s Tall Story

Tom Corbett’s Tall Story

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett compares his record on taxes and jobs with that of Democratic challenger Tom Wolf in a new TV ad called “Toy Story.” It should be called “Tall Story” for its multiple deceptions.

Stretching the Facts in Pennsylvania

Stretching the Facts in Pennsylvania

Competing ads in a Republican congressional primary in Pennsylvania go too far in their attacks related to federal farm subsidies and a vehicle mileage tax.

Americans United for Change

Americans United for Change is a liberal group whose message closely mirrors that of the Obama White House.

Corbett’s Not So ‘Remarkable’ Job Boast

Corbett’s Not So ‘Remarkable’ Job Boast

A new radio ad from Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett boasts that he “created 150,000 new private sector jobs,” a feat called “remarkable” in a Web ad on Corbett’s campaign website. Not really.

NextGen Climate Action

A liberal super PAC founded by San Francisco billionaire and climate-change activist Tom Steyer that focuses on environmental issues.

‘Lost Jobs’ from Obamacare

‘Lost Jobs’ from Obamacare

Republicans have distorted a Congressional Budget Office report, wrongly claiming that it said the Affordable Care Act would cause more than 2 million people to “lose their jobs.”