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Video: Clinton and Benghazi

Video: Clinton and Benghazi

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper takes a look at key public and private statements made by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the day of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi and the days immediately following.

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

Now that the last of the Benghazi reports have been issued, we look at some key public and private statements made by Hillary Clinton and others in the State Department following the 2012 attacks, which resulted in the loss of four Americans.

Trump on Clinton’s Tax Plans

Trump on Clinton’s Tax Plans

Donald Trump repeatedly claims that Hillary Clinton is going to “raise your taxes very substantially.” She’s not, unless you are among the top 10 percent of taxpayers.

Video: Trump’s Speech on Clinton

Video: Trump’s Speech on Clinton

The latest fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper focuses on three claims that Donald Trump made in his June 22 speech attacking Hillary Clinton’s character.

Clinton’s Equal Pay Claim

Clinton’s Equal Pay Claim

Hillary Clinton claims that Donald Trump said “women will start making equal pay as soon as we do as good a job as men.” But that’s not exactly what he said. Trump does not support equal pay legislation, but he has said that he believes in paying people based on performance, not gender.

We Know Plenty About Clinton’s Religion

We Know Plenty About Clinton’s Religion

Speaking to a group of evangelical Christian leaders, Donald Trump claimed there’s “nothing out there” about Hillary Clinton’s religion. That’s inaccurate. Clinton’s religious practice as a Methodist has been well-documented and widely reported.

Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case

Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case

Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and laugh about it in an interview in 1980?
A: Clinton defended an accused rapist, but she did not volunteer. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offense. She laughed when recalling unusual aspects of the case.

Not Just the No-Fly List

Not Just the No-Fly List

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized Republicans for rejecting a Democratic amendment that would have “block[ed] suspected terrorists from buying guns who are on the no-fly list.” But the measure went beyond the no-fly list.