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Fetterman Ad Pushes Back on Crime

Fetterman Ad Pushes Back on Crime

A sheriff featured in an ad defending U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman accurately states that Fetterman “voted with law enforcement experts nearly 90% of the time” on the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, and voted to give “a second chance” to nonviolent offenders. But it’s what the ad doesn’t say that may mislead viewers.

Florida GOP Attacks Crist with Misleading Claims About the IRS and Police

Florida GOP Attacks Crist with Misleading Claims About the IRS and Police

President Biden and Democrat Charlie Crist have said that they don’t support calls to defund the police. And a law that both men supported provides funding for the IRS to potentially hire tens of thousands of new employees — mostly in customer service, not tax auditing, bureau officials have said. But a Florida GOP ad makes distorted claims about both issues.

Fetterman’s Commutation Vote on Convicted Murderer

Fetterman’s Commutation Vote on Convicted Murderer

A Republican super PAC’s ad labels Democratic U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman “dangerously liberal on crime,” citing a case in which Fetterman, the lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania, voted to recommend the commutation of a life sentence for a man convicted of murder in 1970. We thought readers may want to know more of the context of the case.

Stacey Abrams on Violent Crime, Defunding the Police

Stacey Abrams on Violent Crime, Defunding the Police

Stacey Abrams, who faces Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in a rematch this fall, correctly accused Kemp’s TV ad makers of “conveniently” editing her comments about defunding the police, but she falsely claimed that the state’s violent crimes went up 55% in 2020. The actual increase was 5%.

TV Ads About Cheri Beasley’s Record on Violent Crime Lack Context

TV Ads About Cheri Beasley’s Record on Violent Crime Lack Context

Democrat Cheri Beasley’s record in North Carolina Supreme Court cases involving violent crime is the subject of competing TV ads in the state’s U.S. Senate race. But neither ad gives viewers all of the necessary context for the claims portraying Beasley, a former state chief justice, as either weak or tough on crime.