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Sunday Spin from Clinton Surrogates

Sunday Spin from Clinton Surrogates

Two of Hillary Clinton’s high-profile surrogates made false and misleading claims on the Sunday talk shows the day after she officially kicked off her campaign.

FlackCheck Video: Huckabee Announcement

FlackCheck Video: Huckabee Announcement

Mike Huckabee is making another run at the presidency after a failed attempt in 2008. This video from FlackCheck.org looks at some of the old lines he repeated during his May 5 announcement speech.

Christie’s False Part-Timer Claim

Christie’s False Part-Timer Claim

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie claims “we’ve had a huge shift from full-time work to part-time work” under President Obama. That’s false.

FactChecking Ted Cruz, Part II

FactChecking Ted Cruz, Part II

In announcing his presidential candidacy, Sen. Ted Cruz painted a bleak picture of “economic stagnation” and “record numbers” of small-business failures. He’s off base on both counts.

FactChecking CPAC

FactChecking CPAC

A parade of potential Republican presidential candidates took turns at delivering speeches and answering questions at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference that started on Feb. 26. Along the way there were some distortions of facts.

Obama Fudges Facts in Philly

Obama Fudges Facts in Philly

In a speech to House Democrats, President Barack Obama stretched the facts to underscore political points about national security and the improving economy.

Biden’s Twist on U.S. Economy

Biden’s Twist on U.S. Economy

Biden twisted international data on economic growth when he said the U.S. is “the only country in the world expected to continue to grow.”

Pipeline Primer

Pipeline Primer

The Keystone XL project: We examine the facts about jobs, spills, climate change and gasoline prices.

Obama’s Numbers

Obama’s Numbers

For more than a year, we’ve been pointing out on a regular basis how President Obama, his allies and his critics all misuse or even fabricate statistics to give voters a skewed picture of reality. This time we’ll just offer the accurate numbers. Here — in a graphic …