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Democratic Deportation Misinformation

Democratic Deportation Misinformation

A Democratic super PAC claims that Republican candidates for president are “all on the same page” with Donald Trump. But the ad invites a false conclusion that both Marco Rubio and Trump favor deporting millions of immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally.

Carson on Border Apprehensions

Carson on Border Apprehensions

Ben Carson said that “a lot” of the people captured crossing the U.S. border and then released are from Iraq, Somalia and Russia. He’s wrong. Federal statistics show that number is less than 1 percent.

Trump’s Immigration Plan

Trump’s Immigration Plan

Republican Donald Trump’s immigration plan includes several statements that stray from the facts.

Clinton Spins Immigration, Emails

Clinton Spins Immigration, Emails

Hillary Clinton falsely claimed that “all” GOP presidential candidates “don’t want to provide a path to citizenship,” and she distorted the facts on her use of a private email account.

Perry’s Border Bragging

Perry’s Border Bragging

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry routinely boasts that border apprehensions dropped 74 percent in Texas after he sent state law enforcement to the border last year. But Perry takes too much credit.

O’Malley’s Immigration Exaggeration

O’Malley’s Immigration Exaggeration

Martin O’Malley went too far in claiming that Hillary Clinton wanted to “return refugee children from Central America summarily back to death gangs and the drug gangs.”

Coming to America

Coming to America

Q: Is President Obama flying children from Central America to the U.S.?
A: Yes. An administration program allows certain immigrant parents lawfully in the U.S. to bring their children to the country as refugees or parolees.