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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

‘Who Is Bobby Kennedy?’ Video Promotes Debunked Anti-Vaccine Narratives

‘Who Is Bobby Kennedy?’ Video Promotes Debunked Anti-Vaccine Narratives

A recent video promoting independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. promises to “start with some irrefutable facts.” The over 30-minute video, narrated by actor Woody Harrelson, begins with some biographical truths about the candidate, but veers into promoting various debunked or unsupported narratives about vaccines.

Posts Raise Unfounded Concerns About Aluminum in Vaccines

Posts Raise Unfounded Concerns About Aluminum in Vaccines

Small amounts of aluminum have been used for many decades to strengthen the immune response to vaccines. Exposure to high levels of aluminum has been associated with brain and bone problems, but there is no evidence that the level of exposure provided by vaccines leads to such toxicity, contrary to social media claims.

Study Largely Confirms Known, Rare COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

Study Largely Confirms Known, Rare COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

An international study of around 99 million people confirmed known serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. It also identified a possible relationship between the first dose of the Moderna vaccine and a small risk of a neurological condition. Social media posts about the study left out information on the vaccines’ benefits and the rarity of the side effects.

Viral Posts Misuse Rat Study to Make Unfounded Claims About COVID-19 Vaccines and Autism

Viral Posts Misuse Rat Study to Make Unfounded Claims About COVID-19 Vaccines and Autism

COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy benefits both mother and baby. Side effects are generally mild, and studies don’t show negative effects on the baby. A criticized study that gave COVID-19 vaccines to pregnant rats doesn’t show that vaccines cause autism or that people shouldn’t get COVID-19 vaccines, contrary to claims.

Tucker Carlson Video Spreads Falsehoods on COVID-19 Vaccines, WHO Accord

Tucker Carlson Video Spreads Falsehoods on COVID-19 Vaccines, WHO Accord

COVID-19 vaccines are generally safe and have not killed 17 million people worldwide, contrary to claims amplified by podcaster Bret Weinstein during an interview with Tucker Carlson. Weinstein also inaccurately characterized a proposed World Health Organization pandemic accord and other changes, claiming they aim to take away “personal and national sovereignty.”

Yale Preprint Recorded Patient Experiences, Did Not Demonstrate Vaccines Cause New Syndrome

Yale Preprint Recorded Patient Experiences, Did Not Demonstrate Vaccines Cause New Syndrome

A preprint on a Yale-based study described chronic symptoms self-reported after COVID-19 vaccination by 241 members of an online group. The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, did not show how common these symptoms are in the general population, nor whether vaccinations caused them — limitations popular online posts did not make clear.

Posts Spread False Claim About Moderna Patent Application

Posts Spread False Claim About Moderna Patent Application

The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines — like many other vaccines — can contain small amounts of DNA left over from the manufacturing process. There’s no evidence this residual DNA causes “turbo cancer,” or very aggressive cancer. Nor did Moderna admit that “mRNA Jabs Cause Turbo-Cancer,” contrary to an online article that misconstrues a line from a patent application.

COVID-19 Vaccines Save Lives, Are Not More Lethal Than COVID-19

COVID-19 Vaccines Save Lives, Are Not More Lethal Than COVID-19

COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. Social media posts have misused survey data and adverse events reports to falsely claim that COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than COVID-19. But serious adverse events resulting from vaccination, including deaths, are rare.