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Addressing New York’s New Abortion Law

Addressing New York’s New Abortion Law

Q: Does the new New York law allow full-term abortions?

A: The law permits abortions after 24 weeks if a health care professional determines the health or life of the mother is at risk, or the fetus is not viable.

Trump Distorts Facts on Collins, Hunter Indictments

Trump Distorts Facts on Collins, Hunter Indictments

President Donald Trump distorted the facts in a Labor Day tweet complaining about the Justice Department’s indictments last month of two of his earliest congressional allies, Reps. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter Jr.

False Story Ties Sex Cult to Clintons

False Story Ties Sex Cult to Clintons

Q: Did actress Allison Mack confess to selling children to the Clintons and Rothschilds?

A: No. Mack has pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking charges. She has not “confessed” to selling children to anyone. 

No Trump-Ordered ‘Raid’ on Muslim Community

No Trump-Ordered ‘Raid’ on Muslim Community

Q: Did President Trump order a raid on Islamberg, New York, that uncovered weapons?

A: No. A false story from 2017 links the Muslim community to an unrelated arrest of a man on weapons charges.

Is Stop-and-Frisk Unconstitutional?

Is Stop-and-Frisk Unconstitutional?

Q: Was the police technique of “stop-and-frisk” found unconstitutional?
A: The practice is not unconstitutional, but a judge ruled in 2013 that New York City’s stop-and-frisk program was carried out in a manner that violated the U.S. Constitution. 

Trump’s Job Loss Exaggeration

Trump’s Job Loss Exaggeration

Donald Trump distorted the facts when he claimed New York’s job losses during Hillary Clinton’s eight years as the state’s U.S. senator were “worse than just about any place in the country.”

FactChecking the NBC Forum

FactChecking the NBC Forum

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump made some inaccurate claims during an NBC “commander-in-chief” forum on military and veterans issues.

Video: Clinton on Vermont Guns

Video: Clinton on Vermont Guns

This week’s fact-checking video by CNN’s Jake Tapper is on Hillary Clinton’s claim about guns from Vermont being “used in crimes and violence and killings in New York.”

Pataki’s Welfare Whopper

Pataki’s Welfare Whopper

Former Gov. George Pataki gives too much credit to his “conservative policies” for reducing the number of New Yorkers on welfare by 1 million.