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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s Hollow Complaint

Trump’s Hollow Complaint

A report issued by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service indicates that while the average time for confirmation is historically high, federal judges appointed by President Trump were confirmed faster than in President Obama’s first year.

Schumer’s CHIP Spin

Schumer’s CHIP Spin

Sen. Chuck Schumer said the White House proposes “taking money away from kids who need health care.” But congressional budget experts say a plan to rescind unspent funds wouldn’t affect federal spending or the number of individuals covered in the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Democrats’ Misleading Tax Line

Democrats’ Misleading Tax Line

The Republican tax plan was signed into law just last month, and Democrats already have a well-worn, and misleading, talking point about it.

No Shutdown Shakedown

No Shutdown Shakedown

Q: Did Sen. Chuck Schumer take $500,000 in donations from immigrant advocacy groups before the government shutdown?

A: No. That rumor originated on a satirical website. 

The Democrats’ Inaccurate Talking Point

The Democrats’ Inaccurate Talking Point

An estimated 13 million fewer Americans would have health insurance by 2025 if the health care law’s individual mandate is repealed. But that doesn’t mean that all 13 million would be kicked off their insurance plans, as some Democrats claim.

The Facts on the SALT Deduction

The Facts on the SALT Deduction

Republican plans to eliminate or modify federal tax deductions for state and local taxes have sparked criticism from lawmakers from states that would be largely affected. Who uses the deduction and how would changing it affect them? We’ll take a look at the facts.

GOP, Democrats Spin Tax Plan

GOP, Democrats Spin Tax Plan

Leaders in both parties make false and misleading claims about the GOP’s $1.5 trillion tax cut plan.

Schumer and the Diversity Visa Lottery

Schumer and the Diversity Visa Lottery

President Donald Trump criticized Sen. Chuck Schumer for helping to create the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program used by an Uzbekistan-born immigrant charged with killing eight people in New York City. We explain how the program works and Schumer’s role in creating it.

The Preexisting Conditions Debate, Again

The Preexisting Conditions Debate, Again

Republicans and Democrats are making competing claims on whether the latest GOP effort to repeal the ACA continues to protect those with preexisting medical conditions. Under the Graham-Cassidy bill, insurers couldn’t refuse to sell policies, but they could price plans based on health status in states that allowed it.