Statistical measures of how things have changed since the president took office.
Issues: uninsured
Trump’s Numbers October 2018 Update
Obama Cherry-Picks Uninsured Figure
Trump’s Numbers (First Quarterly Update)
CBO’s Obamacare Predictions: How Accurate?
FactChecking Trump’s CPAC Speech
Trump on the ACA and the Uninsured
What President Trump Inherits
More Than 9 Million Newly Insured
Gingrich Overshoots the Truth
Republican Newt Gingrich mistakenly claimed on "Meet the Press" that a U.S. helicopter involved in the Osama bin Laden raid "was shot down." There’s no evidence of that. U.S. officials say it crash landed and was destroyed by Navy SEALs. Gingrich also was wrong to say Pakistan’s intelligence chief did not apologize for "failing to find" bin Laden. He may not have apologized to Gingrich or the U.S. public, but he did apologize to the Pakistani Parliament.