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FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas

Former President Donald Trump has made illegal immigration and its impact on the U.S. a focus of his campaign – but several of his talking points are wrong or misleading. Here’s what we found among his immigration claims at recent events in the electoral swing states of Arizona and Nevada.

Biden’s Misleading Talking Point on $100K No-Degree Jobs

Biden’s Misleading Talking Point on $100K No-Degree Jobs

While touting investments in semiconductor factories in the U.S., President Joe Biden has repeatedly left the misleading impression that new jobs at the facilities would pay well more than $100,000 a year for those without a college degree. But Intel has said $135,000 is the average salary for thousands of jobs, including those requiring advanced degrees.

The Twitter Debate About Biden’s Wages Claim

The Twitter Debate About Biden’s Wages Claim

A reader’s note temporarily attached by Twitter to a claim by President Joe Biden — that “real wages for the average American worker is higher than it was before the pandemic” — said that statement “contains a factual error.” But it turns out it doesn’t.

Biden’s Numbers

Biden’s Numbers

Statistical measures of the president’s term to date.

Biden’s Wage Claims: Mostly Malarkey

Biden’s Wage Claims: Mostly Malarkey

President Joe Biden has been saying “wages are up” and rising “faster than inflation.” While weekly paychecks have indeed gotten larger since he became president, they have not kept pace with inflation.

Republican Convention Night 2

Republican Convention Night 2

The fact-checking fodder included claims about the economy, the Democratic nominee and the president’s actions. 

FactChecking Sen. Kamala Harris

FactChecking Sen. Kamala Harris

As a former 2020 presidential candidate, Sen. Kamala Harris — now presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate — was on our fact-checking radar this election cycle. Here’s a rundown of the claims we addressed.