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Breaking Down the Immigration Figures

Breaking Down the Immigration Figures

Encounters on the southern border of those trying to enter the U.S. without authorization have gone up significantly under President Joe Biden. Government statistics show that in the initial processing of millions of encounters, 2.5 million people have been released into the U.S. and 2.8 million have been removed or expelled.

Biden Initiative Funds Drug Overdose Prevention, Not ‘Crack Pipes’

Biden Initiative Funds Drug Overdose Prevention, Not ‘Crack Pipes’

The Department of Health and Human Services launched a $30 million grant program in December to help “address the nation’s substance use and overdose epidemic” by reducing the dangers related to drug use. The program doesn’t provide funding for crack pipes, contrary to partisan claims fueled by a flawed assumption.

Cotton Distorts Border Apprehension Impact

Cotton Distorts Border Apprehension Impact

Sen. Tom Cotton falsely equated the nearly 2 million apprehensions of immigrants attempting to illegally cross the southern border during Joe Biden’s presidency to “adding the entire population of Nebraska to this country.” He’s wrong for several reasons, including that most of those apprehended were immediately turned around.

Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan Advice

Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan Advice

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley and Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, contradicted President Joe Biden’s claim last month that top military advisers didn’t recommend keeping a residual force in Afghanistan. 

Republican Spin on Democrats’ Voting Bill

Republican Spin on Democrats’ Voting Bill

In the days leading up to the Senate vote on the House-passed elections bill, Republicans offered several misleading talking points about the Democratic bill, and made other statements that required more context.

Video: Durbin’s ‘History’ of Distortions

Video: Durbin’s ‘History’ of Distortions

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines efforts by Republican Sens. Tom Cotton and David Perdue to discredit Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin’s account of President Trump using profanity to disparage African countries at an immigration meeting in the Oval Office.

Durbin’s ‘History’ of Misrepresentations

Durbin’s ‘History’ of Misrepresentations

Two Republican senators suggest Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin’s account of President Trump using profanity to disparage African countries should not be believed because Durbin has a “history” of misrepresenting what was said at White House meetings. But they are not telling the whole story.

What Did Trump Say at Immigration Meeting?

What Did Trump Say at Immigration Meeting?

What exactly did President Donald Trump say at a Jan. 11 White House meeting on immigration? Five members of Congress and the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security have made public statements about the meeting. Here’s what each of them has said so far.

Cotton’s False Insurance Assurance

Cotton’s False Insurance Assurance

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton falsely claimed that the amended Senate tax bill eliminating the penalty for not buying health insurance would have “no impact on anyone” who buys coverage through the exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act.